i hope after a few too many beers tonight i'll remember this in the morning
"sometimes when i reflect back on all the beer i drink i feel shamed.
then i look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams.
if i didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered.
i hope after a few too many beers tonight i'll remember this in the morning
besides love.... your opinion?
i agree with xena: tolerance
the world would be a safer place if only we could accept and appreciate other people's cultural differences
when people find out i don't own a bible they can barely believe it.
my friend thinks i am the only person on the planet who does not own some type of bible.
i don't think that is the case.
i've got 3 bibles 1 russian 1spanish 1 german
problem is i can only read english!!! hee hee
maybe thats a good thing
and how much have you spent in your lifetime on booze?.
i'm rated as ozzy osbourne.
oh shit, it said I was Ozzy Osborne!
Duz zat meean that frum now hun i'll be shlurring me sppecch?
alliieen <hic>
i finally persuaded my husband to post on the board!
as many of you know he used to be jw aswell.
so here ends my flirting on the board!
thanks again for the welcome
but i'm begining to think you are all a bit mad!!!
so i guess i'll feel at home
i finally persuaded my husband to post on the board!
as many of you know he used to be jw aswell.
so here ends my flirting on the board!
thanks for the welcome everyone
xena feel free (i dont mean that literally LOL)
onacruse i'm not a trekkie or a mad sci-fi fan but i do think the new twilight zone with forrest whittaker pretty cool
i'm new to this forum, i find it very informative.
my wife and i grew up as jw's.
i got disfellowshiped sixteen years ago [one of the best things that ever happened to me] and my wife left at the same time.
welcome newbie from another newbie!
this is my fourth posting so i'm just about getting the jist of it
what i mean is according to the society, there are a number of persons that are "technically" "inactive" yet are viewed as jws still.
i'm sure that i'm viewed as a witness still because i am not df'd or disassociated.....what about you??
cheers blondie, thats good to know.
thanks for the welcome
what i mean is according to the society, there are a number of persons that are "technically" "inactive" yet are viewed as jws still.
i'm sure that i'm viewed as a witness still because i am not df'd or disassociated.....what about you??
i havent been df'd or da'd but not been to meetings for 6 yrs. i dont want to be on their books making up the numbers but if i officially leave it will be awkward for my wife with her family cos some of them are still jws. but it does piss me off that i am "officially" a member
how far travelled are you?.
how many different countries have you visited in your life time.......................can't name the same country twice ....even if it has changed names.. countries on other planets don't count !.
ive been to
and of course
the pleides star system